In today's highly networked world, individuals must acquire the knowledge and skills to engage with technologies in a safe and secure manner. Photo Galleries. Course may be repeated for credit when specific topics differ. In these settings, leaders must be able to develop, implement, and monitor programs that are informed by theory and evidence. Through a variety of class exercises and both individual and collaborative projects, the course will help students to acquire an analytical and practical "toolkit" enabling them to function effectively as communicators in culturally diverse organizations and civic contexts. This course provides an overview of popular culture theories and communication models along with research methods. Throughout the semester, considerable attention will be given to causes and consequences of local and national environmental justice issues. Students will be invited to seek out and share fresh narratives of the American experience. Students cannot receive credit for both HHS 456 or HPS 456 and HHS 556 or HPS 556. The course will take a multicultural and international perspective, incorporating concerns of class, race, ethnicity, and nation as these intersect with the study of gender and media. The course utilizes an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing from multiple sources of information regarding mental health issues including feminism. Students successfully completing the course will identify and apply the assessment principles for individuals and families dealing with addiction. This course looks at the problems of uninsured citizens as well as the strains placed on health care facilities in providing services for them. Students study important perspectives that broaden and deepen their understanding of health, human service systems, and the delivery of health care. Understanding of the course content builds a framework by introducing the key terms as they are applied to specific body systems. Full Course Title: Social Construction of Mental Illness Additional reading assignments or projects will distinguish this course from its undergraduate version HHS 448 or HPS 448 and HHS 548 or HPS 548. Using data analysis tools, one can identify causes of disease and the effects of prevention and treatment. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. An analysis of health and illness behavior from the point of view of the consumer, as well as medical professionals, the structure, strengths and weaknesses of the medical care delivery system in the U.S.; the impact of culture and personality on illness behavior; and a study of the institution of medicine and activities of health care professionals. COMM 290 (Practicum) provides introductory instruction and practice in a number of practical communications skills, with the field and focus changing each time the course is offered. Students are introduced to the value, philosophy and knowledge base considerations of social work practice. Writing projects include a research report, a case study, and several shorter papers, practical and analytical, on assigned topics. The final part of the course looks at the application of theory to real-world health promotion and education interventions. Note: If you do not create your uniqname until your hire date, your U-M Google account will not be set up until the next day. Forward Riley Vandenheuvel signs with Wolverines. Students cannot receive credit for both HHS 442 or HPS 442 and HHS 542 or HPS 542. Topics include document design, language barriers, and the role of the technical documents in product liability. (F,W,S), Prerequisite(s): SOC 410 or HPS 410 or HHS 410 or CRJ 410, HHS 415 Healthcare Administration 3 Credit Hours, This course introduces students to administrative models and skills that can be used at a supervisory level. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Undergraduate, COMM 317 Case Studies in Tech Writing 3 Credit Hours. COMM 430 International Communications 3 Credit Hours. Restriction(s): Cannot enroll if Class is Freshman, COMM 364 Writing for Civic Literacy 3 Credit Hours. This course will confront and complicate the following key questions: what does it mean to be an American? Successful community-based engagement, outreach activities, and intervention research often involves working with vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations. 3 Credit Hours, Full Course Title: Theories & Pract. (F,W,S), Prerequisite(s): HPS 440 or HHS 440 and (HPS 336 or HHS 336 or HPS 364 or HHS 364 or HPS 390 or HPS 401 or HHS 402 or HPS 403 or HPS 404 or HHS 404 or HPS 405 or HHS 415 or HPS 410 or HHS 410 or HPS 412 or HHS 412 or HPS 430 or HHS 430 or HPS 442 or HHS 442 or HPS 448 or HHS 448 or HPS 456 or HHS 456 or HPS 475 or HHS 475 or HPS 498 or HHS 498), Restriction(s): Cannot enroll if Class is Freshman or Sophomore or Junior, HHS 495 Off-Campus Research 1 to 3 Credit Hours, Participation in ongoing research, and/or field experience at an off-campus laboratory, clinical, health, healthcare facility, or field site. If you click an expired link, it will take you back to the. A brief clinical overview from a lay perspective orients students to the various mental disorders including mental retardation and learning disorders, behavioral disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse disorders, impulse control disorders and sleep disorders. This course is appropriate for students in Community Health Education, Public Health, Child Life, and Health Policy Studies. This course is designed to help students become conscious of the role of values in a wide range of professional communication situations; to locate organizational behavior in an ethical framework based on considered definitions, standards, perspectives, and criteria for evaluation and analysis; to consider individuals as well as organizations as moral agents in a changing and complex universe; and to analyze topical cases on emergent issues in communication ethics. Students successfully completing the course will have an understanding of the goals of public health. These borders might be national, as in stories about immigration or displacement. Among the problems to be considered are truth-telling and paternalism in the doctor-patient relationship, psychosurgery and behavior control, death and euthanasia, the allocation of scarce resources, and genetic counseling and control. Full-time students have the ability to complete both a B.S. Readings draw from a number of different disciplines, including: law, medical studies, history, social sciences, and personal narratives to critically examine the intent and impact of current standards for reproductive health policy and practice. Need help signing in? (F,W,S), Prerequisite(s): SOC 200 or SOC 201 or ANTH 303 or HUM 303 or SOC 303 or PSYC 303 or WGST 303, HHS 440 Medical Sociology 3 Credit Hours. This course will also provide students with means of applying principles in maternal and child health and the life coure perspective in health education practice. This is why I teach. This gateway course provides the theoretical and methodological foundation to embark on the study of three key interrelated spheres of communication: Public and Organizational Culture, Public Advocacy and Democratic Culture, and Intercultural Communication and Global Culture. (F,S,W), HHS 101 Intro to Health Education 3 Credit Hours, This course is designed to introduce students to the principles and practices of health education. Written and Oral Communication (GEWO) – 6 Credits, Upper-Level Writing Intensive (GEWI) – 3 Credits, Quantitative Thinking and Problem Solving (GEQT) – 3 Credits, Critical and Creative Thinking (GECC) – 3 Credits, Social and Behavioral Analysis (GESB) – 9 Credits, Humanities and the Arts (GEHA) – 6 Credits. Participating employers hire students within parameters set by the internship program. It’s a future made brighter by the tremendous value of a regional public university – where connections to the community, its people, its economy, and its future are deeply embedded in its public ethos. They will study rhetorical awareness, audience analysis and persuasive writing techniques and put those lessons to use in community settings. Employ appropriate research methods, data analytic techniques, and human subjects protections to enhance our understanding and delivery of effective public health programs and human services. (OC), HHS 380 Religion, Medicine, and Health 3 Credit Hours, This interdisciplinary discussion course examines topics and research methods in the historical, sociological, psychological, and anthropological intersections between religion, medicine, and health for its effects on the understanding of illness and disease, health agency, death and dying, and other aspects of the illness experiience. HHS 442 Medical Ethics 3 Credit Hours. Rather than survey international women's movements, this course explores how globalization reformulates identities and locations and the political possibilities they create. Students will gain a better understanding of their own health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors and learn strategies to manage their stress and improve their health and wellness. Readings by cultural historians and analysts will provide the context for an understanding of the films. The final part of the course looks at the application of theory to real-world health promotion and education interventions. (W). HHS 405 Population Health 3 Credit Hours, Population Health is defined as encompassing the health outcomes of a group of individuals as well as the distribution of those outcomes as related to the social determinants of health. Then, we will then produce--in turn--our own border-crossing essays that attend to the same issues of audience, context, narrative, and creativity. Mainstream and alternative media will be analyzed through readings, films, case studies, in-class collaborative exercises and longer term projects. Students should also refer to the Dearborn Discovery Core requirements to ensure that those are met. U of M Dearborn … HHS students achieve specific professional skills in: Please see the Dearborn Discovery Core (General Education) webpage or additional information. While it is acknowledged that population and individual level health outcomes are influenced by biological, physical, and medical care factors, this course focuses on the relationship of behaviors as well as social and political structures to health outcomes. Please note some elective classes may require additional prerequisite courses. COMM 398 Independent Studies-Comm 1 to 3 Credit Hours. Students will learn componenets of effective grant proposals and gain technical knowledge on designing supporting fundraising documents, such as budgets and project timelines. We will utilize a social justice framework throughout the course for exploring issues of inequality, oppression, and equity-focused social change. We will review and discuss conceptual models of policymaking and politics in order to contextualize real-life health policy processes and decisions. This course will explore some of these issues, the relationship between patient and health caregiver (truth-telling, informed consent, the right to refuse treatment, confidentiality); assisted suicide and euthanasia; treatment of defective newborns; scarce resources, social justice and the right to health care; cloning and genetic manipulation; new reproductive technologies; and others. The experience allows students to build valuable networking connections with local and state public health professional leaders as well as explore a career choice within public health. The semester's portfolio of finished communications and "mock-ups" - including planning materials, news releases, brochures, newsletters, Internet communications, video and audio scripts - should demonstrate command of entry-level, professional abilities as a public relations campaign manager and producer.
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